When meeting IN-PERSON
For our in-person sessions, I have an office in downtown Bellingham, WA. Please read the details below and check in with me for any other questions along the way.
The office is located at the Mt Baker Professional building in downtown Bellingham, on the West corner of Holly & Cornwall. The address is 1229 Cornwall Ave.
The entrance is unlocked from 7:00a to 5:00p, which means if you come later than 5:00 you may need to contact me. Make sure to check the door first, but if it is locked please call or text me at 360-390-1151 and I'll come downstairs to let you in.
There is unfortunately no free parking for our building. Downtown Bellingham does charge for parking and you'll need to find a spot before our scheduled time. Please use this resource if it is helpful.
I am located on the third floor, in office #306, but please note there is also a 306B which is next door to my office. Make sure to go all the way down to the end of the long hall. You may see chairs in the hallway, but my office has a waiting room inside, so please come in and find a seat in the entrance foyer.
!! Please don't enter either of the closed office doors before or after your start time. I will come out of my office and welcome you in when I'm able to do so. If I need to run long with another client I will do my best to text you a quick message prior. It is possible that I'm taking care of an urgent matter, so if you are feeling concerned about my timeliness please call or text me !!
I share this office with other therapists as well and we are all so excited to create and cultivate a safe and welcoming space that will hopefully aid in the process you're currently in with me.
When meeting REMOTELY
We can still make our remote work feel personal
For our telehealth sessions, I use Google Meet* platform. There are multiple ways to access the link for our session:
*Google Meet is HIPAA compliant due to my business agreement through Google WorkspaceVia email
Within your Google calendar or the invite you receive from me
Go to and click on our session